He talk

Last time I was surfing the net to look for beautiful pictures with awesome quotes on it. I browse at one of the tumblr's islamic pictures and Alhamdulillah I got myself some beautiful pictures. One of the pictures that has quotes on it has amazed me.

It says, 'if you want to talk to Allah then pray, if you want Allah talks to you then read the Quran'.

I read the quotes over and over again. Simple quotes but meaningful. It's true my friends! Allah does talk to us. Just read the Quran! He gives us solutions, motivation, chance, acceptance at all time so why can't we spent short amount of time talking to Him and listen to Him. Five times a day is never enough to payback all the attention that He has give. And that's why we should talk to Him more often not just five times per day but if possible try more! And always read what He's trying to say so that we will always be grateful.

You see my dear sisters and brothers, He loves us all. He gave us permission to talk to Him at anytime whenever you remembers Him and He will reply back to you in the simplest way. Read the kitab and you'll know.

Assalamualaikum. I love us all ;DD  

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